What Is safe place?
Safe Place is a multifaceted center that offers direct services (interviews + victim advocacy) as well as referrals for an array of client needs. Although the folks we serve are those that have reported sexual or physical abuse allegations, Safe Place is able to assist all clients meeting an array of their needs. Our multi-disciplinary team is able to address concerns and needs based on their individual profession.
Our center is a calm, clean and safe space that is welcoming to all ages. On site we have many resources and brochures, some educational materials about kids bodies, and our advocate is available to assess and review client needs during every meeting.
Who Will My Child Talk To?
Your child will talk to a "Child Interview Specialist." This person has special training in talking to children about difficult subjects. The interview is child friendly. The interviewer will ask questions in a way that best meets your child's own needs.
Should I Talk To My Child About What Happened?
Between now and your appointment at Safe Place, try to talk only about what happened if your child brings it up. If they want to talk about it, listen to them without asking for lots of details. Be very careful to not ask questions that might make your child feel like you want or expect a specific answer (an example would be, “She had red hair, didn’t she?”). Pay close attention to your words and actions. Show concern and compassion for what your child says but do not react with shock, anger or relief.
What Can I Do To Support My Child?
Let your child know you believe what he or she is telling you. Tell your child that it is not his or her fault. Let your child know he or she is safe. Make sure your child knows that he or she is not in trouble. Spend quality time with your child. As much as possible, remain consistent in daily routines.
What Should I Tell My Child About Coming to CALICO?
“We are going to Safe Place. It’s a friendly place where kids go to talk. They talk to lots of kids about what might have happened to them. It’s okay to tell them everything.”
What Will Happen After the Interview?
After your child is interviewed, someone from Safe Place's team will follow up with you about next steps to take.