Multidisciplinary team

Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Any time someone has endured what could potentially be considered a crime of sexual or physical violence, a local law enforcement officer will be assigned to investigate the allegations, collect verbal statements/interviews, physical evidence, and more. Detectives typically defer the victim interview to the Safe Place interviewer whenever possible, on-site or an alternate appropriate location if needed. All detectives receive a variety of trainings through their onboarding process to include: SIU orientation, review of the Safe Place Manual, basic forensic interviewing, other interview modalities, sexual investigation training, and more. SIU detectives also provide assistance to each other, to foster learning and support the Safe Place model.
Det. Lt. Jeremy Evans
Det. Sgt. Greg Eaton
Det. Sgt. Joshua Lynde
Det. Colby Kerylow ​
Det. Lt. Mike Studin
Det. Sgt. Dan Hall
Det. Jason Lengfellner
Det. Sgt. Jesse Robson
Det. Tyler Noyes
Det. Kelsey Knapp
Det. Sgt. Rebecca Morris
Det. Sasha Kondraski
No Officer Assigned
Det. Sgt. Mario Checchi
Department for Children and Families (DCF)
Although our law enforcement team members are spread throughout Windham County, our local DCF office covers all of the cases of child abuse or neglect that are reported in Windham County. If an allegation of physical abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse is reported, DCF may refer the case to the SIU and to the appropriate law enforcement jurisdiction. If a case needs to be investigated by both law enforcement and DCF, both agencies will work together throughout the case to ensure efforts are not duplicated and to reduce stress and trauma to families. DCF staff receive a variety of applicable trainings to work these types of cases including basic forensic interviewing, child abuse/maltreatment, sexual exploitation and other related trainings.
Current investigators include: Erika Barrett, JT Carpenter, Tammy Mellish + Yeshi Salsedo. Investigators are supervised by Gene Wrinn.
Forensic Interviews
All interviews are legally sound, trauma-informed, and victim-centered. Interviews occur at Safe Place whenever possible, with consent from caregivers for children. Safe Place interviewer and SIU investigators predominantly use the National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC) forensic interview model. This model is an internationally recognized, research-informed approach that allows interviewers to conduct competent, legally-sound interviews of children. This model emphasizes a flexible-thinking and decision-making approach throughout the interview. Each component of the model is based on current and developing peer-reviewed research. Since Safe Place also interviews adults, the in-house interviewer and investigators have engaged in additional interview trainings as well.
It is important to note that any time an interview occurs at Safe Place, the assigned investigators are in the observation room where they can see and hear the interview as it is happening. If they have questions for the participant, the interviewer will collect those questions and bring them back so the interview remains one-on-one. Interviews are recorded and copies are provided to the respective agencies that have requested the interview. Safe Place deletes the interviews after dispersing them and does not store any confidential or investigative materials onsite. If the Safe Place interviewer is not available, detectives and/or DCF staff are trained and capable of providing interviews in a similar structure.
Mental Health
Anne Richards is an independent licensed Family Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner that is nationally accredited in trauma informed cognitive behavioral therapy. She actively serves children that have endured sexual trauma as well as other concerns. She is able to incorporate work with caregivers as needed. Safe Place predominantly makes referrals to Anne, as she meets the criteria for our MDT standards. Safe Place is consistently seeking additional providers that meet these standards as well. The need for quality mental health care that is trauma-informed grows greater each day.
In 2021, Safe Place launched a therapy group for girls (12-17) and caregivers. Each group is facilitated by a local licensed clinician. Although the clinicians are not formally part of the MDT, the groups have become an integral part of Safe Place efforts to meet the needs of our clients and the community.
Forensic Medical Exams
Safe Places collaborates with Brattleboro Memorial Hospital's (BMH) four specially trained Sexual Abuse Nurse Exam (SANE) providers as well as the dedicated Child Advocacy + Prevention Program (CAPP) at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Both programs have staff that are specifically trained in areas of maltreatment and trauma-informed work. The staff at BMH and CAPP work diligently to ensure that each adult and child receives an exam that is supportive and understanding of their needs. All exams are based on consent and informational. Safe Place and other MDT members collaborate with these programs to share relevant information as needed to avoid duplication of efforts and to reduce stress and trauma through the process.
Windham County States Attorneys Office (WCSA)
Safe Place and other MDT members work alongside the WCSA Office to understand perspectives and insights into the prosecution process. WCSA Office staff attend case review meetings each month for several reasons: to receive and provide updates on ongoing investigations and cases submitted for review, to supply the team with deeper understanding of the intricacies of the legal proves, to provide necessary information from victim perspective and needs and to ensure that information from meetings is passed to other members of the WCSA Office if they are involved in particular cases.
Victim Advocacy
Safe Place employs an in-house advocate that performs different responsibilities than the WCSA advocate. At Safe Place, clients can expect to meet with the advocate at the time of the interview. Our advocate collects necessary demographic information and consent forms as well as a general assessment of client needs. If there are any areas in which an adult, child, or family find themselves needing assistance, Safe Place advocate is able to provide a direct referral. The advocate may help to complete or submit the referral as well. When transportation or financial needs arise, the advocate can help navigate available services and access funds. Our advocate provides an overview of information about the investigative and interview process as well. Safe Place is responsible for maintaining contact after the interview, to continue staying involved in the process alongside the family to be able to advocate on their behalf to the MDT and provide continuous support.
If a case moves forward in to prosecution, the Safe Place advocate is able to meet with the WCSA advocate to share the clients journey so far and to apprise them of any ongoing needs or barriers. The WCSA will continue this advocacy and informational process with the client, ensuring clients are part of their decision making process and have a full understanding of what's to come and what may be needed from them. The WCSA advocates work to empower clients through the remainder of their process.
SIU members receive trainings in many of the following content areas:
Human Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Sexual Abuse Materials
Cultural Competency
Peer Review
NCAC Basic Forensic Interview
Sexual Violence
Physical Violence
Sexual Offenders
Interview Skills + Techniques
Trauma-Informed Approach
Victim-Centered Approach
Each year, our MDT signs a memorandum of understanding to collaborate, follow the SIU model, and to fulfill the responsibilities of their discipline. To view our MOU, please click here.